Monday, February 11, 2013

Fugi - Mary, Don't Take Me On No Bad Trip (1968)


  1. Thank you...thank you...thank you. All I can say is thank you for this. I grabbed this last year over at HARD...RAW...DEEP...FUNK blog & have listened to it often. I was going to post it up here a while back but somehow it ended up on the back burner & then was forgotten. Followers of DM are in for a real treat here. Thank you.

  2. No, problem buddy. I have really been digging this album myself, lately.

    Next up, I've got some hardcore and punk from late 80s & early 90s queued to post.

  3. Vikijan11:28 AM

    Ohh. Problem!.. Megaupload says "The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later".
    what do i do..?

  4. Thanks for sharing the download link.

    Cassy from Play Electric Guitar

  5. This shit is MAD HOT! WOOO! Thanks, man. I'm gonna check out the Black Merda right now. Just checked on all music and it said this was released after it was originally recorded. anywho, thanks for sharing.

  6. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Unfortunately, this was posted on Megaupload, which is now dead. Could you repost?

    BTW- Great blog.

  7. THANKYOU great album


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