Tuesday, February 09, 2010

The 60's Choice Collection of Scarcest Garage Records

I downloaded this gem of an album on DC++; however, since obtaining it, information regarding this album has proven to very scarce. What I do know is that it was released in 1992 by EVA Records, and it contains a great selection of tracks which were recorded between 1965 to (967 by various underground garage acts. I was very impressed upon hearing this compilation for the first time. It's a solid collection of songs, and I don't think there's a bad track on the album. I highly recommend this for anyone who is into 60's garage or psychedelic rock. Unfortunately the person I was downloading this from went offline before I was able to get the last track. I'll keep checking back..hopefully I'll be able to catch that person online again, download the last track, and add it here.

Track List:
1. The French Church - Slapneck 1943
2. The Olivers - I Saw What You Did (1966)
3. Evil Enc. Group - The Point Is
4. London & The Bridges - It Just Ain't Right (1966)
5. Loved Ones - Surprise, Surprise (For You) (1966)
6. The Executioners - I Want The Rain (1966)
7. The Heathens - Problems (1967)
8. The Hangmen - Faces (1966)
9. The Romancers - Love's The Thing (1965)
10. The Jagged Edge - How Many Times (1966)
11. Don & Jerry With The Fugitives - In The Cover Of Night (1965)
12. The Deepest Blue - Somebody's Girl (1966)
13. The Kings Ransom - Shame (1966)
14. Evil - Always Running Around (1967)
15. The New Dawn - Slave Of Desire
16. The Bit A Sweet - Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind (1967)
17. The Todds - I Want Her Back (1967)
18. Art Guy - Where You Gonna Go
19. The Tears - Weatherman (1966)
20. Loved Ones - Together, Together
21. Other Side - Walking Down The Road (1966)
22. The Gentlemen - Wild You Gotta Leave (1967)
23. The Nervous Breakdowns - I Dig Your Mind (1967)
24. The Echoes Of Carnaby Street - Baby Doesn't Know (1966)
25. The Spats - She Done Moved (1966)
26. The Bush - Feeling Sad And Lonely (1966)
27. The Lost - Back Door Blues (1965)
28. The Love Ins - That's All She Wrote (1966)

Note: I fixed the download link for those who wanted this. Apparently I pasted a link to the album cover rather than the download link.


  1. Anonymous1:45 PM

    thanks a bunch... really good selection on this comp. i'm a sucker for these collections.

    thanks again...

  2. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Thanks, this looks great - looking forward to hearing it.

  3. I just found out about the French Church and Slapneck 1943 is f.ing awesone.

  4. Rare Bit 'A Sweet footage -


  5. Pretend that the missing song was -
    An Invitation To Cry by The Magicians. They later became The Fugs.

  6. Anonymous9:49 AM

    "In The Cover Of Night," I haven't heard this one since the Mod Monday show on WNYC in 1984. It was old then, and now I am as well.

  7. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Wow. Great mix. My Dad was in the Hangmen (Tony Taylor..see Bittersweet album..lead vocals). Nice to see their songs still show up in weird places. And no..he is not dead..despite rumors.

  8. Reuploaded for your enjoyment.

  9. thank you very much. :)

  10. No problem Ron. I hope you enjoy it.

  11. the link directs me only to the .jpg... love to hear that comp, but.. eh.. am i too stupid to find the download button??

  12. I just found the site thanks to fuzzy! I'm looking forward to spending some time here - nice stuff and thank you!

    I have the same problem as in the last comment. The download link goes to a jpg file. Would love to get my mitts on this album!


  13. Anonymous1:26 PM

    thanks for this but having the same problem, your link appears to be a jpg file????

  14. same here. links to a jpg

  15. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V6DN5ERU

  16. need a password please

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Thank yu for sharing but we need the pass :)

  19. Oops.. it appears that I did paste a link to the album cover rather than the download link. I apologize to those who looked forward to downloading this. The link is fixed now for those who want it. Enjoy!

  20. There is no password by the way. A couple of people must have been confused about the fact that I accidentally linked to the album cover rather than the download for the album, but there is no pass. I just wanted to clear that up for anyone considering downloading this.

  21. I was definitely asked for a pass when I tried to open it.
    As none was provided in reply to requests the file proved useless to me and I have since deleted it.

  22. To ge & Mike, et. al.
    Seeing the comments about needed password I just now re-dl'ed this file & then used basic Winrar to open the file. Opened just fine with NO PASSWORD NEEDED!!!

  23. yep. yours works fine.
    I guess as you were linking to a jpg I used the link provided by apoxonbothyourhouses. That one is password protected.

  24. GarageGirl2:36 PM

    WICKED comp! LOVE Art Guy especially, not heard that one before. Thanks a bunch! :)

  25. What a greta comp. Thanks a lot for such a cool post.

  26. This is one superior 60s comp .. thanks a lot. Weird about the huge spelling mistake on the cover "scarces(t)" .. I guess the guy was just a little under the influence at the time.


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