Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Return to the Old Commenting System

I have decided to resume using the old comment system. I migrated from blogger's native commenting system to a combination of JS-Kit and CommentLuv a short time ago. The JS-Kit/CommentLuv script is great and has a lot of features that Blogger's default commenting system lacks; however, there are also several features which visitors have come to expect when visiting a blog. The fact that simple html isn't allowed, and that there is no way to link to visitor's blogger profiles are the main features that have opted me to return to the old system. Although it seems unlikely, I am unsure if all of the comments that were made while the JS-Kit system was in place will be deleted once I migrate back to the blogger system, but if your comments are deleted I do apologize. I will leave the current system up for two more days before returning to the old system.

1 comment:

This blog is currently on indefinite hiatus and I am unlikely to see any comments posted for the forseeable future. If you desperately need to get in contact with me, you can find me on Facebook here: