I must apologize for my posting absence. I have recently embarked upon an intern position at NY1. Between the internship, my online job and school, I have been trying to get accustomed to the changes to my work and social life. But enough about my plight and onto something that may interest the good people at the Digital Meltd0wn community.
Through my fixation with the Melvins, I have discovered a lot of artists would have otherwise slipped through my fingers and into obscurity. One of my best discoveries was one time Amphetamine Reptile Records label mate and noise rock artist, Cows.
Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Cows possessed the raw energy and stage presence of a hardcore punk band with erratic live antics like hurling harmful objects into the crowd. But they were also complimented by their ability to sustain structure with blues rock riffs and lead singer, Shannon Selberg, belting out paint-peeling, warbling vocals and occasionally lending his talents on the bugle.
Released in 1992 on Amphetamine Reptile Records, Cunning Stunts was the Cows fifth studio album and although now, out of print, it remains one of their most successful albums. With the sound effect of a smack and a baby's wail, the album blasts off into "Heave Ho." This track embodies everything the Cows are about from the escalating vocals and rampant bugle of Shannon Selberg to the opening rockabilly riff leading into a full fledged punk rock assault that continues throughout the album.
Year of Release: 1992
Label: Amphetamine Reptile Records
Genre: Noise rock, Punk rock, Experimental, Blues rock
Track List:
1. Heave Ho
2. He Walks Alone
3. Contamination
4. Mr. Cancelled
5. Mine
6. Everybody
7. Two Little Pigs
8. The Woman Inside
9. Terrifique
10. Down Below
11. Ort
Through my fixation with the Melvins, I have discovered a lot of artists would have otherwise slipped through my fingers and into obscurity. One of my best discoveries was one time Amphetamine Reptile Records label mate and noise rock artist, Cows.
Hailing from Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Cows possessed the raw energy and stage presence of a hardcore punk band with erratic live antics like hurling harmful objects into the crowd. But they were also complimented by their ability to sustain structure with blues rock riffs and lead singer, Shannon Selberg, belting out paint-peeling, warbling vocals and occasionally lending his talents on the bugle.
Released in 1992 on Amphetamine Reptile Records, Cunning Stunts was the Cows fifth studio album and although now, out of print, it remains one of their most successful albums. With the sound effect of a smack and a baby's wail, the album blasts off into "Heave Ho." This track embodies everything the Cows are about from the escalating vocals and rampant bugle of Shannon Selberg to the opening rockabilly riff leading into a full fledged punk rock assault that continues throughout the album.
Year of Release: 1992
Label: Amphetamine Reptile Records
Genre: Noise rock, Punk rock, Experimental, Blues rock
Track List:
1. Heave Ho
2. He Walks Alone
3. Contamination
4. Mr. Cancelled
5. Mine
6. Everybody
7. Two Little Pigs
8. The Woman Inside
9. Terrifique
10. Down Below
11. Ort
For some reason, you currently can't get any Cows stuff (at least not in Germoney). So thanks for posting this.