Thursday, July 16, 2009

V/A - Guitarrorists


  1. Awesome post. I got turned on to this during my heavy Chrome phase when I was digging up all things Helios Creed. I lost my copy too :) Glad to have this back. I dig the Albini track quite a bit as well.

  2. This sounds great, and I haven't had the pleasure of listening to it. I'm downloading it now. Thanks for sharing it Brian.

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    holy guitarrible, great holiday gift idea for country western fans, thanks

  4. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I hope I said thanks, anyway thanks, I don't mean thanks anyway like no thanks, but rather thanks nonetheless, more or less, anyway to be sure thanks again

  5. Cool. I had this on a dubbed cassette that I purchased at the lead singer/guitarist of Cul de Sac's yard sale back in 1997 or 1998. Thanks for this post.


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