I will be moving to Oklahoma in two days. I have no idea how long it will be before I have internet access again. During the last few months I have had a number of very important responsibilities to take care of in my personal life. Please see this post for a more detailed explanation:
At the moment I have a few guest contributors helping out, and they have done an amazing job. In fact, I wouldn't have been able to keep this blog going without their help. However, two of those contributors recently started college and live very busy lives, so it is unlikely that they will be able to contribute much until their semester is over. J-Unit1 has agreed to post for a couple of weeks, but will be resuming work on his own blog once he is finished. NØ originally agreed to guest blog here for a couple of weeks, but fortunately for me he decided to stick around and continue to post. Being the absent minded person that I am, I have neglected to send him a message regarding this, but I'm not sure how long he plans to help me out.
What I'm looking for is someone who can regularly contribute here on a permanent basis. The only requirements are a large music collection, the willing to share the more obscure albums, and the ability to post here a couple of times a week. Knowledge of HTML and the Blogger platform would be a plus, but is not absolutely necessary because I can always go back and edit the posts if I need to.
If any of you are interested in this position please try to contact me within the next two days. I will be unable to check my messages or comments after that. You can e-mail me at Shockw4ve_X at hotmail dot com or leave a comment here with details about how I can contact you.