
elcome to the Digital Meltd0wn Music Blog. The aim of this blog is to introduce the readers to music that is out of print, commercially unavailable, released under a creative commons license, or with approval by the featured artist. The majority of the music posted here would be considered underground. Don't let that fool you into thinking that the music featured here might be any less enjoyable than that of the mainstream artists you hear on the radio, as this couldn't be further from the truth. Please keep in mind that the majority of the artists that appear on this blog, along with their respective record labels, are not wealthy and need your support. If you enjoy the material that you find here, please support the artists/labels by purchasing their material afterwards. If you are an artist/label that would prefer to have your material removed from this blog, simply leave me a comment, and I would be more than happy to promptly remove the offending post. In addition to running this blog, I also work on a few other projects during my spare time. You can find links to those, as well as a few other important links associated with Digital Meltd0wn in the menu bar above.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Anton Pann - Zaharicale (2006)


Anonymous said...

Isn't it a bit of a stretch to call music played with double basses, violins and clarinets medieval? AFAIK they're much later instruments. Also the harmonic and rhythmic patterns don't sound medieval at all.

Nevertheless is quite enjoyable music. Thanks for sharing.

Stefan Winczencz said...

Absolutely divine! I am a great lover of medieval music myself, but I have never heard of them before! Please post more.
You sure know Alfonso El Sabio and his Cantigas de Santa Maria, if not, I would be glad to send you some samples!

sab said...

Hi guys! I know they don't sound so medieval as we are used to (that's because the territory had a rather particular history, like most of the Balkan side); and also because most of Middle Age here didn't leave many written scores; plus the band focuses on the scores left by Anton Pann, which contain Renaissance music. Most of the instrument are, nevertheless, from that period or (yes..) adaptations.
Oh, Stefan, they're very young (some of them are still student in the Conservatory of Bucharest, so you have an excuse! :)
And i love most of the music written in the time of El Sabio (I'm in love with Cantigas de Valencia..)There is a very interesting project based on the scores from that time (giant! worth listening, i'll look through my records tomorrow! and let you know what i have) . Interested?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I sure am!!

wiwi said...

Hi, sab!
Concerning Anton Pann, I really do not care where or when the music comes from - I love it - it might be from Mars 20000 years ago - who cares! It is great, that is all that matters!
Maybe my ancestry has something to do with it, I think I still have some ancestors on my fathers side in Romania, he came from Arad???!
What about being friends?? I would love us to stay in touch!



sab said...

Well then, maybe you'll come visiting sometimes, Stefan! Arad is in the west part of the country, very near the Carpathian mountains and Transilvania, where you have much to see
I'll se what i can do about some more music (maybe some folk music?)
Thanks for the pretty comment!

wiwi said...

Thanx a lot for your beautiful reply! I would like to come to Romania in 2 weeks time, could you recommend any lodging in Bucuresti or anywhere else in the country?!
The cheaper, the better!