Here's Back From The Grave Volume 2 as requested by Bl4cky
Track List
1. Don't Cry To Me - Jerry & The Others
2. You Can't Blame That On Me - Fugitives
3. Willie The Wild One - Willie The Wild One
4. Born Loser - Murphy & The Mob
5. You Got Another Think Comin' - Mods
6. We're Gonna Love - Sir Winston & The Commons
7. Suicide - Royal Flairs
8. You Can't Make Me - Montells
9. Man - Tamrons
10. She's No Good - CYCLONES
11. Dinah Wants Religion - Fabs
12. Go On, Leave - Red Beard & The Pirates
13. I Know Why - Hallmarks
14. Flash & Crash - Rocky & The Riddlers
15. Little Boy Blue - Tonto & The Renegades
16. Stories High - Botumless Pit
17. I Said Move - Aztex
18. Makin' Love - Sloths
19. Fly By Nighter - Wyld
20. What In The World - Vectors
21. Shakedwon - Huns
22. Warning - Humans
23. Real Fine Lady - Warlords
24. Won't You Tell Me - Vestells
25. City Of People - Illusions
26. It's Gonna Be Alright - Jaguars
27. Escape - Few
28. To Find Out - Keggs
29. Be Nice - Nomads
30. Baby Get Lost - The Barracudas
Download: Back From The Grave Volume 2 (101.8MB)
Any chance you'll re-up this one. I just recently posted Part One, but I don't have this one. Sharebee has been acting up lately, but I also think it might be because your file is over 100MB (their limit).
Thanks for pointing that out to me hdvns. I'll re-up this as soon as I get a chance. I believe you're right about Sharebee acting strange because the file size exceeded the 100MB limit. I'll put it on Megaupload next time. I won't be home today, so I'll have to do it tomorrow.
Thanks man. I like Sharebee cuz it shows the page view numbers and you get more options for downloads. I wish there was something similar that went over 100. Anyhow, here's hoping you'll add me to your blogroll. My obsession has grown to three blogs now.
On an Amsterdam note, I bought alot of my records at Get Records and Boudisque. Haven't been to either in years, tho. Not even sure Get exists anymore.
hdvns: I use Sharebee for the exact same reason. I wish more people would break the habit of using rapidshare. There are too many other alternatives out there.
I added your Thee Head Vein blog to my blogroll. I believe you had just started it the last time I took an online vacation. You've done a great job on it since then. I haven't had a chance to check out your two other blogs, but I'll be sure to do it. I'm working on a much bigger blogroll, and I'll be sure to add your blogs to it. Hopefully it will catch on and generate a bit of traffic to the sites listed on it.
Hoi, je staat nu ook op mijn blogroll. Tof blog trouwens, weer een die mijn harde schijf gaat laten ontploffen.
groeten mr.A
Thanks for Re-upping this Zero¡¡
love the blog.
Any chance of posting any more volumes of back from the grave comp if you have them.
Thank You very much.!!
any chance to get this reuploaded?? thanks zero!
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