"Demented pop music from the very early days of sampling"This album was passed on to me by one of my friends on last.fm If you are reading this Metawirt, thank you very much for introducing me to this wonderful gem, as well as all the other music that you regularly recommend. Metawirt was also kind enough to set up a last.fm artist page, which unfortunately didn't exist until he created it. To my knowledge this is the only project that A.K. Klosowski worked on. There are two bonus tracks included which are a collaborative effort by Klosowski and T. Eckart. I am unsure if these were included on the original release, or if these were included on a reissue. If any of you have any more information on this release please pass it on. I haven't been able to dig up much information on this project, and I'm short on time at the moment, so I will pass on the information that Metawirt posted on last.fm:
"In 1984 Pyrolator (aka Kurt Dahlke, specialist for music & computer and early part of “Fehlfarben”, “Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft” and later part of “Der Plan”) teamed up with A.K. Klosowski for the groundbreaking sampling experiment Home Taping Is Killing Music:
Demented pop music from the very early days of sampling. Numerous artists are credited as being the sample sources, but good luck to you finding them." - Metawirt
Year of Release: 1984
Label: Captain Trip
Genre: Electronic, Sampling, Sound Collage
Bitrate: 192kbps
Track List:
1. Overtüre
2. Österreich
3. Tschak
4. Hammond
5. Agana Wudiov
6. What Made You So No Good
7. Heimat
8. Dahomey
9. You know, I Need...
10. ZV9
Bonus Tracks by A.K. Klosowski & T. Eckart
11. HiFidelity
12. China First On Mars
the bonus tracks are not from the original release, cf.
and there's another record by a.k. koslowski:
thx for posting this - it's interesting tho unsurprising to hear that a progressive outgrowth of NDW would be a harbinger of pop trends to come. great stuff!
it seems very interesting but sadly the link has been erased or doesn't work anymore. Could you repost it?
thank you.
Anaël: I've reuploaded this for you. Let me know what you thought about it if you have time.
Thanks a lot!
This album is very cool, a bit funky too!
I prefer other Pyrolator works but this one is good as "lounge music" having a chat with friends at home.
Reminds me of old Residents albums sometimes...
bye and thanks again!
Oh by the way: congratulations for your blog!! There's a lot of very nice recordings on it!
@Anaël: Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. They are always appreciated. I'm glad that you enjoy the blog and this album. I haven't had the pleasure of listening to any of Pyrolator's other material. Would you care to recommend an album that would serve as a good starting point?
um, they always delete the file?. i like the "der plan-, ""daf-"" stuff and at least "ausland". but when its like the rest, i can live with.
I reuploaded this to rapidshare. Up until this point I've neglected to use rapidshare because of their countdown timer and wait limit between downloads. However, I recently decided to break down and finally purchase a premium account due to the sheer number of other blogs that I visit which upload exclusively to rapidshare.
I've always tried to keep an open mind when it comes to making changes to this blog for the benefit of the visitors. I'm going to post a poll soon to see which file host you all would prefer me to use in the future. There may be more people than I realize who would prefer me to use rapidshare, and if that is the case I will upload some of my files to rapidshare in addition to mediafire and sharebee, then see which links seem to stay alive the longest.
I stand humbled by my previous ignorance of this album. But then, there's always an album around the corner that you've never heard about, I guess. Reminded me of some of the more accessible Severed Heads tracks (when they're not actually trying to rip our ears off...). Thank you very much for this discovery!
Hélas, I'm afraid rapidshare is peddling some "media stuff". No longer available :)
Could you please upload it?
Thanks for the sharing. My latest discovery is Igor Wakhévitch's "Docteur Faust". Muchas gracias.
Question: Have considering branching in to obscure medieval/renaissance music?
the link is down again, could you reup it please? Great blog!!!
I will reupload this again shortly for those wondering
Thanks, I can't wait to hear this!
He made this project more recently: https://www.discogs.com/fr/A-K-Klosowski-Echoplex/release/2304733
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