I wanted to share something special for the last day of "Sci-Fi September", and while it isn't music, I hope it will bring you as much enjoyment as it has for me. I present to you all 124 episodes of the OTR (Old-Time Radio) show, X-Minus One. I have several OTR shows in digital format, most of which originated from Archive.org, and the archives normally just contain the audio files of each episode. When I searched for episodes of X Minus One and found this collection I was immediately stunned upon extracting the archived contents. It is was immediately obvious that the people responsible for putting this collection together display a level of devotion that is unparalleled among OTR enthusiasts. The group responsible have dubbed themselves "The Old Time Radio Researchers Group". You can find the link to their website, which contains several other OTR collections, at the bottom of this post. The group makes the accuracy and completeness of their collections one of their top priorities, and they even issue their own certifications for their releases based on "OTRR Certified Standards". This release was issued both "OTTR Certified Accurate" and "OTTR Certified Complete" certificates, which indicate that the series is as complete as possible, and each track is properly identified and labeled. The Certified Series section of their website states the following:
"The OTRR Group's Certified library is currently the most accurate archive of OTR series in the world. Each series has been thoroughly researched, accurately labeled (dates and titles), and transcribed at the highest quality possible. Furthermore, each series also includes many additional historic features such as photos, bios and additional sound clips."
As is mentioned above, not only does this collection contain all 124 episodes, but it also includes e-books for dozens of the episodes, digital scans of Galaxy magazine in e-book format, dozens of custom album art images, CD labels, pictures of the authors, scripts from the show, and slew of other bonus features. OTRR has truly went above and beyond in putting this collection together and I couldn't be more impressed. The download is rather large, with the download size of each disc exceeding 600MB; however, if you're a fan of science fiction, and have even the slightest interest in old time radio shows, you'll be very thankful that you took the time to download this collection.
Once again, I'm short on time, so I'm going to close this post out by sharing some information from the X Minus One Wikipedia article:
X Minus One was a half-hour science fiction radio series broadcast from April 24, 1955 to January 9, 1958 in various timeslots on NBC.
Initially a revival of NBC's Dimension X (1950–51), the first 15 episodes of X Minius One were new versions of Dimension X episodes, but the remainder were adaptations by NBC staff writers, including Ernest Kinoy and George Lefferts,of newly published science fiction stories by leading writers in the field, including Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Robert A. Heinlein, Frederik Pohl and Theodore Sturgeon, along with some original scripts by Kinoy and Lefferts.
Included in the series were adaptations of Robert Sheckley's "Skulking Permit," Bradbury's "Mars Is Heaven," Heinlein's "Universe" and "The Green Hills of Earth", " Pohl’s "The Tunnel under the World," J. T. McIntosh’s "Hallucination Orbit," Fritz Leiber’s "A Pail of Air" and George Lefferts' "The Parade."
The program opened with announcer Fred Collins delivering the countdown, leading into this introduction (although later shows were partnered with Galaxy Science Fiction rather than Astounding Science Fiction):
..."Countdown for blastoff... X minus five, four, three, two, X minus one... Fire! [Rocket launch SFX] From the far horizons of the unknown come transcribed tales of new dimensions in time and space. These are stories of the future; adventures in which you'll live in a million could-be years on a thousand may-be worlds. The National Broadcasting Company in cooperation with Street and Smith, publishers of Astounding Science Fiction presents... X Minus One."
The series was canceled after the 126th broadcast on January 9, 1958. However, the early 1970s brought a wave of nostalgia for old-time radio; a new experimental episode, "The Iron Chancellor" by Robert Silverberg, was created in 1973, but it failed to revive the series. NBC also tried broadcasting the old recordings, but their irregular once-monthly scheduling kept even devoted listeners from following the broadcasts. All episodes of the show survive. - Wikipedia"

00. Introduction to the OTRR
01. X Minus One Audio Brief
000. And The Moon Be Still As Bright
001. No Contact
002. The Parade
003. Mars is Heaven
004. Universe - Robert A. Heinlein
005. Knock - Frederic Brown
006. The Man in The Moon
007. Perigi’s Wonderful Dolls
008. The Green Hills Of Earth
009. Dr. Grimshaw’s Sanitorium
010. Nightmare
011. The Embassy
012. The Veldt
013. Almost Human
014. Courtesy
015. The Cold Equation
016. Shanghaied
017. The Martian Death March
018. The Castaways
019. And the Moon be still as bright
020. First Contact
021. Child’s play
022. Requiem
023. Hello Tomorrow
024. Dwellers in silence
025. The Outer Limit
026. Zero Hour
027. Vital Factor
028. Nightfall
029. To the Future
030. Marionettes, Inc.
031. A Logic Named Joe
032. The Roads Must Roll
033. Time And Time Again
034. Perigi’s Wonderful Dolls (Rebroadcast)
035. The Parade (Rebroadcast)
036. Cave Of Night
037. C-Chute
038. Skulking Permit
039. Junkyard
040. Hello, Tomorrow
041. A Gun For Dinosaur
042. Tunnel Under The World

043. $1000 A Plate
044. A Pail Of Air
045. How-To
046. Star Bright
047. Jaywalker
048. The Sense Of Wonder
049. Sea Legs
051. Hallucination Orbit
050. The Seventh Order
052. The Defenders
053. Lulunganeena
054. Project Mastadon
055. If You Was A Mocklin
056. Project Trojan
057. Wherever You May Be
058. Mr. Costello, Hero
059. Bad Medicine
060. The Old Die Rich
061. Stars Are The Styx
063. The Last Martian
062. Student Body
064. The Snowball Effect
065. Surface Tension
066. Tunnel Under The World (Rebroadcast)
067. The Lifeboat Mutiny
067. The Map Makers
069. Protective Mimicry
070. Colony
071. Soldier Boy
072. Pictures Don’t Lie
073. Sam, This Is You
074. Appointment In Tomorrow
075. (Repeat of episode 17)
076. Chain Of Command
078. There Will Come Soft Rains
079. Hostess
080. The Reluctant Heroes
081. Honeymoon In Hell
082. The Moon Is Green
083. Saucer Of Loneliness
084. The Girls From Earth
085. Open Warfare
086. Caretaker
087. Venus Is A Man’s World
088. The Trap
089. Field Study
090. Real Gone

091. The Seventh Victim
092. The Lights on Precipice Peak
093. Protection
094. At the Post
095. Martian Sam
096. Something for Nothing
097. Discovery of Morniel Mathaway
098. Mans Best Friend
099. Inside Story
100. The Category Inventor
101. Skulking Permit
102. Early Model
103. The Merchants of Venus
104. The Haunted Corpse
105. End as a World
106. The Scapegoat
107. At the Post
108. Drop Dead
109. Volpla
110. Saucer of Loneliness
111. The Old Die Rich
112. Tsylana
113. The Native Problem
114. The Wind Is Rising
115. Death Wish
116. Point of Departure
117. The Light
118. Lulu
119. The Coffin Cure
120. Shocktroop
121. The Haunted Corpse
122. Double Dare
123. Target One
124. Prime Difference
125. Gray Flannel Armor
126. The Iron Chancellor
Download Disc 1:
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 1 - Part 1
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 1 - Part 2
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 1 - Part 3
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 1 - Part 4
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 1 - Part 5
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 1 - Part 6
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 1 - Part 7
Download Size: 614MB
Download Disc 2:
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 2 - Part 1
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 2 - Part 2
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 2 - Part 3
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 2 - Part 4
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 2 - Part 5
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 2 - Part 6
X Minus One Radio Show - Disc 2 - Part 7
Download Size: 623MB
Download Disc 3:
X Minus One - Disc 3 - Part 1
X Minus One - Disc 3 - Part 2
X Minus One - Disc 3 - Part 3
X Minus One - Disc 3 - Part 4
Download Size: 358MB