Re-Up - Originally Posted 9/22/06
Glenn Danzig was the main singer/songwriter for the classic punk/metal legends, The Misfits. However, like all good things, his days in The Misfits finally came to an end. Fortunately though, Danzig wasn't about to be through with doing what he did best. Teaming up with Eerie Von, John Christ, and Chuck Biscuits, Glenn put together a new band that a appropriately decided to call Danzig. The band's debut came out in 1988. Read on for my review of it.
This was the first album released by Danzig (the band Danzig, that is), and it really shows. The album's general sound, as well as the production of the album, is very raw in many places. It's obvious that the group had not quite found their sound yet. However, this is not to say that the album is a bad one - in fact, it's pretty damn cool. Glenn Danzig and every member of his band executes his role with excellence, creating an excellent classic metal album. The band even scored a big hit on this album - the classic Mother, which still gets play on a good deal of rock stations in America. The song is a classic, and there's no denying it! The other, lesser-known compositions are no less excellent, though. Although the album does seem a bit redundant in places, it's solid through and through.
To date (as of August 3, 2004), there is only one version of this album available in America, and it seems to be becoming increasingly difficult to find. This implies to be that the album is now out of print. Hopefully, the catalogue will be reissued and remastered sometime in the near future - Danzig's music needs to be discovered by a wider audience!
In the end, this is a very good classic metal album. Although not necessarily the best Danzig album, it is still excellent and worth checking out if you're a fan of the genre. When it comes to punk/metal singer/songwriters, Danzig is in a league all his own, and you can see why on this recording. (Year of Release: 1988)
Track List:
1. Twist Of Cain
2. Not Of This World
3. She Rides
4. Soul On Fire
5. Am I Demon
6. Mother
7. Possession
8. End Of Time
9. The Hunter
10. Evil Thing
Download: Danzig - Danzig
Download Size: 64MB
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Thanks for this.
Your blog is great!
This is the bestDanzig album in my opinion. I have it on CD. It's one of the first CD's I ever bought back in 88 or 89.
great site. could you re-up this please?
Thanks Much
reup please if you will be very nice..
anyway thanx for this great blog and great stuff(when i first time came into this blog I was shocked by the numbers of rare and awesome albums)
I agree with Tbag. I like 'em all, but this is the best.
file not found!!!!!!
I want to thank you very much for all your work in keeping up this useful and interesting blog. Of all the downloaders you've used, rapidshare seems to not hang on to the files as much as the others. In some cases rapidshare sends a message: "Only ten downloads will be allowed, and this has already occurred". In this case, with Danzig, rapidshare has 'lost' the file.
Again thanks for your work!!!!
The Robo-man
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